Friday, January 18, 2008

JOURNAL 1/17/2008

Bowden woke up in the night feeling nauseous. Threw Up once after midnight and fell asleep on the floor next to our bed on a makeshift bed Sarah had improvised for him. Amazingly he slept the rest of the night and woke up feeling much better. Out the door at 5:30 for my Thursday morning men's bible study. Returned home at 7:30. Our hopes that the illness from the previous night would not spread were dashed as Lucy began complaining about stomach problems and then proceeded to throw up for the rest of the day. My little goose was so pathetic looking. I hate feeling that helpless. Sarah was left exhausted by the day's end. I felt awful for her. We raised the black flag of pestilence over our home and moved our Thursday night junior-high small group to the A-frame. I finally crooned Bowden and Lucy to sleep around 8:30 and then we had about an hour without the kids before I turned in myself. Amazingly Sarah stayed up for a while cleaning and enjoying time without kids. I think sarah is just amazing sometimes- it's like she has a bigger engine than mine. Thus concluded our marathon Thursday.

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