I know...I know...I know...I started by endorsing Romney and then I changed to Huckabee, and now I am going to throw my support behind yet another horse? When will this revolving door stop?
Right now. After much soul searching and thoughtful analysis I am for Fred Thompson.
Vote Thompson!
They're candidates not Popcorn, Tate!
Whats next, Paul?
Go Huckabee!
All that spinning could result in some chunk blowing. Everyone stand clear!
Or just go stand with Huck.
Josh is absolutely right to abandon Mike Huckabee, who is more a big government theocrat than an actual conservative. Although I am an evangelical Christian, I do not trust him to use our government wisely.
Thompson is a fine choice, but unfortunately he's running fifth in a five-man race. Ultimately you will return to Romney, and when you do, I will welcome you back happily.
Seriously, guys. It's time to dump the candidate who combines Bush's weaknesses (such as a desire to use the machinery of government to carry out his personal preferences) with those of his opponents (incredible naivete on foreign policy and taxes, combined with liberal attitudes on trade and the economy).
What is there to like about this man's candidacy??
You should change one more time to the candidate of the highest integrity, you know who I'm talking about, RON PAUL.
I am glad you are not voting for Romney or Huckabee. Romney is the fakest politician since Bill Clinton. Huckabee is bogus as the "Christian" choice.
Go Ron Paul!!!
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