Friday, June 02, 2006

Lucy's First Steps

Yesterday evening, Lucy Tate took her first steps. Sarah and I were sitting indian style on the floor of our dining room, and Sarah was holding Lucy in her lap. Lucy has been coasting for a while, but yesterday evening she let go of Mommy and took three wobbly steps towards me before collapsing into my lap.

Sarah's face turned white like she had seen a ghost and her hand flew to her heart as she said in an excited sort of way "Did you see that?!?! Did you see that?!?! Oh my gosh!!!!" Then I pronounced in a solemn dignified tone "Those were Lucy's first steps." At least that's how I remember it. Sarah may have a slightly different account of how it happened.

Earlier that day she stood up from a sitting position and held it for a brief moment before collapsing again to the ground. She is also mastering stair climbing, which has necessitated the gates being reinstalled above and below the stairs.

Please note that I broke the story before my wife at


Griffen said...

Hooray hooray for Lucy Gates! At, what TEN months!! She'll have mine beat for sure. Now I have to be one of those mom's who says, "they all do things at their own speed" so that I don't feel bad. Now she's got the looks AND the moves!

sarah said...

i didn't break it because i am not entirely sure that this is the best thing in the world. the walking is a departure from babyhood, and i would love to have a baby that crawled (like Bowdo Baggins) until after their first birthday.
she's getting big too little baby girl....