Monday, May 08, 2006

When you surprise a mouse
It goes "EEK", scurry, hide...
Into the walls of your house
It goes "EEK", scurry, hide...

When you surprise a frog
It goes "ERP," hop, kersplunk...
Into puddle, pond, or bog
It goes "ERP," hop, kersplunk...

When you surprise a rabbit
It goes "thump,", jump, and run
Into the burrow it inhabits
It goes "thump," jump, and run.

When you surprise a skunk
It goes turn, lift, and spray
It fills the air with funk
When it goes turn lift and spray

When you surprise a stone
It does nothing at all-
Whether bothered or left alone
It does nothing at all.


Anonymous said...

Good paragraph about the skunk.
Very funny. The funky skunk.

Griffen said...

I LOVE this one!