Friday, May 19, 2006

When i first joined thre police department one of the senior sergeants I worked with took me out to lunch while we were on duty. After we had finished eating I went to the bathroom because I had to go #2, but when I was all done I noticed with horror that they had run out of toilet paper. I looked desperately around the room for anything that would serve as a substitute, but the closest I came was an extension cord coiled up in the corner. My socks were not an option because my shirt-stays were snapped onto them and they were thus a necessary part of my uniform. Finally, I radioed my sergeant who was still sitting out in the restaurant. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Uhhh... 728... 723.

Sarge: (Chuckling) Go ahead 728

Me: Ummm... I don't have the necessary paper work in here.

Sarge: 10-4 728 (Pause with more chuckling) I'll expedite!

Me: Thanks 723!


Anonymous said...

Your mama didn't raise no fool!

Anonymous said...

I needed a good laugh today. Thanks. Glad I finally got around to looking up your blog.

Abigail said...

Funny! I knew police officers had all the fun. Donuts and coffe AND easy ways to get toilet paper without leaving one's seat. Now if only he had brought in coffee and a donut with the toilet paper...