Monday, May 01, 2006


Where is the most memorable/exciting place you have ever slept?


Anonymous said...

On a stone bench in the woods in rural northern Pennsylvania.

On Beau Beckwith's land.

misserose said...

in a lean-to loverlooking the valley from the Pinkham Ledges in Gorham, NH. the night after watching The Blair Witch project.

sometimes we learn from our mistakes. :o\

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Beneath a church pew in Caracas Mexico..

barefootkangaroo said...

I once rowed the "Sadie P." five miles north of the house on lake Champlain to tour Fort Ticonderoga. Once I had toured the fort I rowed back over to the New York side and located a farm. I pulled my boat ashore and trudged through the fields to the farmhouse where I met Old McDonald himself- in the flesh! I asked permission to pitch a tent in his field and he agreed on the condition that I didn't light any fires. As soon as I erected my tent it began to rain and thunder. I fell asleep to the sound of rain hitting and running off the tent and the wind rushing off the lake and screaming through a thin screen of cedar trees which grew between the edge of the field and the lake. I woke up in the morning to find my tent situated in the midst of a herd of cows, which the farmer had released from the barn in the wee hours of the morning.

sarah said...

on my Umpa's fishing boat surrounded by mist- with the fog horn blowing every few minutes and the sweet lull of the boat and sea-sickness pill making it impossible to stay awake.
when i did, i heard a loud splashing and went to the side window of the boat to look. There, not more than ten feet away, was a mother humpback whale and her calf, and she blew water out of her blowhole and i remember the feeling of the spray on my face and arms.
so that's not all sleeping. so what.

Anonymous said...

on a picnic table in Carpenteria, CA in the mist, sans sleeping bag.