Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Let me ask you this...

How many one dollar bills do you think you could carry for a mile if you got to keep the money if you successfully carried them for the entire mile without stopping or setting them down? You can carry them in as many duffel bags, backpacks, boxes or whatever as you can carry, but if you stop moving, can't finish the mile, drop or set down any of it you forfeit all of the money. How many one-dollar bills could you carry for a mile?


Anonymous said...

I think I could readily do $68,100.00 in ones.

I might even be able to do $90,800.00 since that's a pretty good incentive.

With a little training I could probably do even more.

Now if they were $100's, well, then we'd be talking. I might be able to lug 10,000,000.

Steve said...

A dollar bill, say reputable sources, weighs just shy of one gram. Let's round off for the sake of the question.

There are 453.6 grams in a pound. Let's call it 454.

In a well-constructed bag or sack, I think I could carry 150-200 pounds for one mile.

454 * 150 = $68,100
454 * 200 = $90,800

So apparently Hal knew this information, and went through the same reasoning process I did, but didn't feel the need to share it with the rest of us!!

Anyway, I agree with him.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Well, since I was required to carry the money without assistance I kind of figured I wouldn't need to explain my reasoning.


barefootkangaroo said...

Thank you both for a very illuminating discourse on this matter of great importance. I should sell this idea to a reality show. Maybe they could also answer the M&M question on the same show. I'm gonna mail this idea to David Letterman I think. Do you think he would be the proper person to mail these ideas to.

Kate Robinson said...

josh - do you and sarah need help at your camp every weekend or just certain ones?

barefootkangaroo said...

Most all the time. This week was of special concern though because of the size of the group as well as the relative lack of our regular workers, but God has provided in unexpected and unusual ways. (By that I mean that, according to my parents, Job was unexpected and he is certainly unusual.) I'm just kidding. We actually have an outstanding crew this week. A bunch of people looking outward in the same direction. Should I add you to my list of people to e-mail if I am in a scheduling jam, opr are you looking for a more immediate road trip?

Anonymous said...

Letterman? That old media dino? Go right for Fox, they'll produce anything!

Kate Robinson said...

uh...i hate being flaky and noncommital but if you just wanted to keep me informed i'd appreciate it. i definitely need to get away from here sometime soon but so far i haven't had a commitment-free weekend yet.

barefootkangaroo said...


sarah said...

i believe that i am tougher than both Hal and Steve and can carry 500,000 dollars.
by force of will.
so there.

Anonymous said...

Well, Sarah, if that's the case I will certainly not argue the issue because any woman that could do that... errr... deserves not to be argued with.