Friday, September 11, 2009


Today when I took the camp's trash to the dump I found this little critter living amongst the trash bags in the depths of the trailer. He had pulled out a used placemat and was busily shredding it for nesting material when I lifted a bag and exposed his little getaway. He quickly retreated out of sight and as I removed the remaining bags one at a tiome he continued to retreat deeper and deeper. Of course, I knew that eventually all of the bags would be removed and I wondered what he would do when it was just me, him and the bare metal walls of the trailer. It actually made the job more fun imagining that final moment when the last bag was lifted to leave him with no place to hide. I speculated that he would attempt to scale the walls, and I wondered if mice could climb straight up a sheet of metal. I worked quickly, and when i finally tossed aside the last trash bag the mouse scurried to the nearest corner and attempted to jump out. I was impressed by how high he could jump, but he never came even close to the top of the trash trailer. After attempting to jump three or four times he settled down in the corner eyeballing me with a twitchy nervousness. Every time I moved he tried yet again to jump out of the trash trailer. Finally, it began to scuttle along the opposite edge of the trailer and retreated out the back door. I said, "goodbye" and wished him a long and happy life at the dump, but as I closed up the trailer got ready to leave I noticed that he was still clinging to the outside of the trailer. "Go on! Get! You don't wanna be hanging on there when I drive away lil' guy!" He just kept on eyeing me in that twitchy nervous way so I got a broom and swept him off the side of the trailer. He scurried around and around before climbing back up onto the trash trailer. I repeatedly swept him off and he kept on coming back for more. I'm not sure how many times I swept that stupid mouse off the trailer- maybe 5- but no sooner would I sweep him off than he would come back for more. Finally I said, "Have it your way!" climbed back up into the truck and rumbled off. When I got back to camp he wasn't anywhere to be found. Poor lil' fella!


MomZup said...

He probably has an entire family living somewhere in the bowels of the trash trailer. Now Mom or Dad is no more. . .will be the next Disney action packed animated movie. An Incredible Journey, mouse style.

sarah said...

That's just sad. I know where he came from. Jeannie dumped a whole box of placemats into the trash after finding a nest. I bet it was occupado. I hate this. It makes me too sad. Especially after Mom's comment up there.

lisa d said...

it's for the best. i've probably killed most of his family.

Annie said...

Go, Lisa!
I do think Janie's right- it's a great set up for a new Disney movie.