The Irvings are up in Idyllwild for a visit, and that means lots of spirites political debate. I decided to let my gun do the talking in a game of
electoral college.

Chad, Tricia, Lisa, Sarah and I played out on the camp's center grass. I won with California, Pennsylvania, New York, Florida, and Indiana. I was saddened that didn't win VT. I guess I'm a Califorian now. Lisa and Chad shot the most states, but with powerhouses CA, NY & FL in my corner they couldn't catch up. Sarah won the swing state of Ohio and Tricia won Arizona.
i won more than just ohio, sucka.
I do love that game. Job, Tom, and I had a classic match a while back in VT, as I recall. Had to be determined by the House.
i felt bad getting texas in the first round, so i eased up on y'all.
oops, i meant texasis-a-heh-heh-heh!
While New York and PA are seductive I've found it best to leave the Northeast alone and just go buckshot on the west. The occasional Colorado or Michigan really adds up and CA is 1/5 of your way to victory.
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