Tuesday, February 12, 2008

McCain vs. Huckabee

Frankly, I like/dislike them both about the same and I will vote for whichever of them gets the nomination without reservation. Thompson was my man- I have been unenthused since he dropped out, and then I was further demoralized by Romney's poor showing on Super Tuesday. Both of the remaining candidates are deeply flawed in my opinion, and I wish there was a candidate who was more pure in his/her political ideology. Having said that I think Huckabee is a lost cause, and I am pinning my hopes on McCain.

My biggest criticism of McCain is that he is a compromiser. He has this pattern of trying to appease the left, and snubbing those on the right in the process. I think he feels this demonstrates strength of character and a willingness to take tough positions despite opposition from his own party, but I feel that in a polarized political climate he is at best a weak link and at worst a traitor to the conservative cause. I resonate with Huckabee on social issues and I think that he understands that most conservatives are ready to circle the wagons and pass the ammunition on issues such as abortion and Iraq. I like that Huckabee is willing to die on some hills, and I just wish he was more of a complete conservative. McCain has demonstrated (to my consternation at times) that he will stick to his guns when the people find his positions unpopular, and that is one of the things I value most in our current president. I like that about McCain.

I am one of those voters who faithfully trudge to the voting booth and does my duty whether I am passionate about the candidate or not and I will be voting, without passion, for whoever wins the nomination. I think either candidate would have a good chance of beating whatever horse the democrats throw into the race, but neither excite any passion in me.

I am for McCain or Huckabee. (no exclamation mark)


Anonymous said...

Both of the remaining candidates? I believe there are three candidates remaining. You sound like the media!

barefootkangaroo said...

I will retract my earlier statement... what I meant to say was "There is now only one candidate remaining. McCain is the de facto nominee."

...and in my mind Paul has never been a serious candidate, as you well know from our conversations. He is the conservative Nader. Just a little too quirky for most, and way too out there for me.

He is fun to listen too though. In all honesty I like him and I'm glad he's out there as a gadfly questioning our view of government and making us think, but Ron Paul would simply be a horrible president.

barefootkangaroo said...

...and he has abolutely no chance of winning a national election...not even in a paralell universe.