Wednesday, December 05, 2007

JOURNAL 12/4/07

Unseasonably warm day- high of 78 degrees. Worked from 8:30 until 4:30. Stressful day for our friends who lost two units to a fire at their Inn over night. Sarah made them lunch, and picked up their oldest son from preschool. Bowden loved having a playmate for the afternoon. Had the Shirleys over for dinner. Worked on Christmas stuff before going to bed at 11:30 pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are blogging again! We don't seem to be connecting via the cell phone! We had a high of 23 yesterday I think! So sorry about the Inn keepers loss. We are snowed upon. It will be a White Christmas this year! Job is at the Pecks for bachelor night supper. . .not sure if he will get back up the driveway when he comes home.