Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I'm aware that I may be a little obsessed with shooting sasquatch sometimes, but do you think if you were the one who shot sasquatch and finally laid the question of its existence to rest that you could make a living off of being the person who shot sasquatch?

Giving interviews, writing a book, selling the body, guest appearances, traveling on a lecture circuit, etc...

Could you bank enough off of shooting sasquatch that you would never have to seek gainful employment again?

I wonder...


Anonymous said...

I think you'd be run off in shame and despair and your name would become synonimous with brutal and senseless murder, especially murder because of an inability to give other creatures beyond humans their rightful respect... like if we found life on mars, then people would say, "well, let's not pull a josh tate" and everyone would nod wisely and sadly, agreeing to not hunt down the martians just because they're different than we are...hmmm

barefootkangaroo said...

hmmm...nope...sorry, that is not the correct answer.

Cyn said...

are you guys super busy tomorrow? we were thinking of possibly coming up as it is the first day of pauls vacation.

barefootkangaroo said...

busy yes, but not super busy. I will be working for the better part of the day, but as far as I know Sarah will be at home riding herd on our spawn.

I just called Sarah and she says "They should come up!" So there's your answer.

What time will you be coming? are you spending the night? Am I driving you to the airport? I can't remember what day you guys are leaving for the airport.

P&C said...

well alright then. we will be shooting for lunch time. see you soon Tates

heidiann(e) said...

i think SOMEONE could make of living of it. i don't think i personally could be that good at any sort of self-promotion.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

It would all depend, really, on the personality of the slayer. If he were able to go on Letterman and tell the story in a manner that enthralled the populace - you can guarantee enough road-show potential to earn him a retirement.
But if he's just your basic hick starter kit with no real ability to massage an audience's sense of awe and ingrained love for cryptozoology he'd enjoy his chat with matt laurer and that'd pretty much be the end of it.

Me though? if given the chance, I'd bring that beast down using any weapon that didn't obliterate the carcass. I'm not having some killjoy scientist say I bought an ape carcass from nigerian poachers on ebay or something. Yes. I'd kill the creature. No more Snuffaluffagus stuff. This country needs the truth...