Tuesday, May 08, 2007

JOURNAL 5/7/07

Fell asleep on the couch last night watching TV and woke up there this morning. Went for an early morning walk while everyone else was still asleep. We all went to Palm Springs for our weekly Doctor’s appointment for Baby Jack. It was 59 degrees when we left Idyllwild and 92 degrees at the Doctor’s office in Palm Springs. Appointment went well. Ate lunch at California Pizza Kitchen before returning home. On the way home we decided to take a side road to Whitewater, California. It was a very interesting community halfway up a canyon in the desert with lush vegetation, running water, and shady trees. A collection of a dozen or so dilapidated houses with old stone walls around them were spread out under the trees. Sarah commented that it was the “land that time forgot.” Nobody seems to know that it’s there. It struck me as very strange. Took a nap in the afternoon. Lisa sick today with the stomach bug… probably got it from us.

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