Sunday, February 25, 2007


300 years in the past?


300 years in the future?


Steve said...

Do we get to live with them now? If so, I pick the past. If not, I pick the future.

heidiann(e) said...

the past.
maybe as pirates.

Andrew said...

Past. I would know what to expect.
Would we be able to bring them to our time?

Griffen said...

Past. This world aint lastin' 300 more years.... and I want to know, and have known my love.

Liana said...

Past. I echo Sandy's comment...

Anonymous said...


Purely for hygiene reasons.

Well, also because when I tell her I'm going to give her the moon I actually can take her there.

Steve said...

Yeah, that first point factored into my answer too, Hal. A lot of this question depends on whether we have to live with them in their time.

jdjones said...

I think the most interesting wrinkle to this question is the fact that the types of problems you choose to avoid by your selection would be the exact same challenges your theoretical spouse would have to endure with you.

sarah said...

nice work, josh jones!!!! well put.

barefootkangaroo said...

Outstanding point Mr. Jones! I hadn't even thought of that, but it is so true. I think that the fact that you identified that truth is proof of what an outstanding spouse you would make. You didn't just ask the question "What would most benefit me?" but you also asked "How will this affect her?" Outstanding!

jdjones said...

I will add this to my dating resume immediately. I hope you don't mind if I quote you.