Monday, May 22, 2006


If we had to rename our country after a brand of breakfast cereal, which breakfast cereal name would you choose? My favorite cereal is "LIFE", but that would be too ironic as long as abortion and capital punishment are the laws of the land. I will have to do some more thinking on this one.


barefootkangaroo said...

This is easily the stupidest question of the day that I have yet posted. My apologies.

misserose said...

hm. cherio's would have to go to england.

rice crispies to china.
or maybe kix. everybody was kung-fu-fighting, after all.

cocoa puffs to switzerland.

maybe Total. since we're such a mishmash.

Anonymous said...

Since I'm fond of this country and fond of Grapenuts I'm going with Grapenuts.

So long as my piece of the bowl of Grapenuts is topped with several pieces of Dove Dark Chocolate all smashed up with a mallet, skim milk, and a couple of squeezes of Florida honey.

Plus there's the whole oddity of calling something Grapenuts that contains neither nuts nor grapes.

Anonymous said...


Abigail said...

fruit loops. because perhaps we are.

Hutch said...

Mr. T cereal.

I pity the fool who don't respect Mr. T!

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Haha. it's true, Hutch. We must pity that fool...

Our country would, of course, be named "total"

ShortCourt said...

I guess Antartica could be Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats ...

But what would be even better is if we could just break off that little state we call Florida, make it into a country (they're in the wrong location anyways... they're not southern.. they are retired yankees) and we could call them Golden Grahams!

barefootkangaroo said...

I must request that you keep your yankee-hating to a minimum on my blog.