Thursday, May 11, 2006


If you had to live out the rest of your days in one city, and you could never set foot outside the city limits, which city would you choose?


Steve said...

That's an excellent question.

misserose said...

hm. a City, huh?

Darth said...

springfield from the simpsons, they practically have everything you could possibly want in a city.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

San Diego.

This is not a debate, this is not up for conjecture.

This question has a definitive answer.

The answer is San Diego.

sarah said...

mr. definitive has spent maybe a month all told in San Diego...

but the real answer is Los Angeles.
Beach to Mountain, Suburban to Urban, my family...well, that's the clincher.

sarah said...

why am i mean to job?
sorry b-i-l.

Steve said...

I think Job is right, if one could move all that matters to one to that city.

Griffen said...

Maybe you're mean to him on my behalf?

I've never been there but maybe Cape town? It's warm there, but they have penguins in the harbor... so I'm told.

Liana said...

I think Chicago needs to be added to the list, too!

barefootkangaroo said...

I vote St Albans, VT or maybe Burlington, VT.

Anonymous said...

The city with the highest concentration of family - I would hope that city was in Vermont.

Anonymous said...

While I find Darth's arguement most compelling, I choose Tempe, AZ.