Sunday, May 28, 2006

Do I cling to this miserable raft and be satisfied with what meager comfort and security it affords or do I jump ship and swim for a shore that I cannot see? Of course, I know the answer. So why do I ask the question? 'Cause I'm weak...frail...made of dust. That's why. What a figure I must cut gesturing and stammering as I pace back and forth on this raft that I loathe and staring out at a sea that I fear. Perfect love drives out fear... how imperfect is my love? I wish I was the only passenger on this raft. Sometimes I think the Lord blesses us with much so He can demand a bigger sacrifice of us. Lord, it makes me despise your blessings. I envy the pauper. The homeless man who has nothing to lose. I guess if I was blessed with less I would also have less to give. The joy is found in giving Him whatever he requires, and trusting him with everything we hold dear. I know this to be true. Lord, help me be more pleasing to you. Give me a courageous and obedient heart, a sensitivity to your will, and a love for you which grows to such proportions that it chokes out the lesser weeds of temporal things and concerns.


sarah said...

jump ship

barefootkangaroo said...

You first!