Tuesday, April 18, 2006


If every creature in all the oceans jumped out of the water at exactly the same time (Let's assume for the sake of the question that this is possible), and you happened to be standing on the shore at that very moment, do you think the water level would drop noticeably? Of course, it would drop some, but would it be noticeable? I wonder how much water is displaced by all those creatures.


La Joconde said...

Tuna. Herring. Octopus. Ray. Shrimp. Mussel. Shark. Whale. Starfish. Dolphins. Sardine. Salmon. Crab. Hermit crab. Sea-urchin. All animals not discovered yet. And all their family and friends. A lot of people. A lot of water.

I think the water level would drop noticeably. Surely.

barefootkangaroo said...

Mais non! The ocean is so vast and deep. Light only penetrates the uppermost part of its profound depth. I think that most of the life existst in this narrow band of water near the surface. Any water displaced by the sea creatures in this narrow band of water is miniscule compared to the awesome amount of water that lies beneath. I think that any change in ocean level would be so slight as to go unnoticed. I wonder how much water is displaced by microscopic creatures, and would their combined mass surpass that of bigger observable creatures. That might be where the real tipping point is. I blow my own mind!

barefootkangaroo said...

Truly, your command of English is impressive. I wish I was as comfortable with French. Perhaps someday.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

It's true. If you had the oceans on a scale and weighed it at the moment they jumped you'd find little shift in weight, not to mention sight.
The waters are too much.

La Joconde said...

Do you set a trap for me?

barefootkangaroo said...

No, it is not a trap. I am not necessarily right. Who knows the answer to this question? I don't. I just have an opinion, and so do you. You may be right.

barefootkangaroo said...

que veux dire "La Joconde" en Anglais. Ce n'est pas dans ma dictionaire Francais/Anglais. Je suis curieuse.

Anonymous said...

I think she's right. Who knows what creatures live near the bottom? Noticeable could be 1/4 of an inch after all. And there are a lot of fish.

La Joconde said...

La Joconde is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. You know Mona Lisa?
You have to write "Je suis curieux" if you are a man, "Je suis curieuse" if you are a woman.
Merci d'avoir posé la question, Josh.

barefootkangaroo said...

Comme j'ai dit. Mon Francais est vraiment horrible. I apologize for butchering your mother tongue. Mais je ne vais jamais arreter. Je vais essayer encore. Y est "Mona Lisa" la meme que "La Joconde", ou y est il une difference entre les deux. I am confused.

La Joconde said...

Ton français n'est pas aussi horrible que tu le dis. Crois moi.
Le Portrait de Mona Lisa s'appelle La Joconde.
Je ne lui ressemble pas du tout. Mais j'aime bien Léonard de Vinci.

barefootkangaroo said...

J'aime bien Homer et aussi le "Hudson River School". Les realistes. J'aime bien la pointilisme et les impressionistes aussi. Merci pour vos remarques sympathiques, mais je sais que le Francais que je parle n'est pas tres fort. Je suis desole pour tout les Francais qui le lisent. Je suis aussi desole parce que mon ordinateur n'a pas les ? pour les accents. Que veux dire "Keyboard keys" en Francais? Peut-etre il y est une methode pour mettre les accents, mais je ne le connais pais.

La Joconde said...
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La Joconde said...

You have a qwerty or an azerty keyboard? Qwerty probably...
I found these two methodes:
I hope it will help you.
But don't worry, I understand your French!